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Treating Acne scars with Estriol

Acne scars can be a long lasting and painful reminder of our teenage (and even later!) years that many of us suffer with. These scars can occur from picking, skin damage, and long-term cystic acne. After the acne has gone, we can be left trying to treat the scars with things like peels, dermabrasion, lasers, and other invasive methodologies that can be painful, expensive, and show little improvement.

Researchers tested topical estriol as a potential treatment compared to tretinoin (often considered one of the gold standard items in skin care) to see what the outcomes would be!

This was a smaller study done over the course of 18 months, but they had great outcomes, "Improvement of acne scars was observed in 93% of patients treated with tretinoin and in 100% of the group treated with estriol. No hormonal changes were noted in the estrogen group. Side effects involving the skin appeared in the tretinoin group in 4 cases and consisted of increased dryness and of retinoid dermatitis."

It is clear then, that topical estriol has more uses than just vaginal atrophy and studies suggest it is far less proliferative than other forms of systemic estrogen!
