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Spearmint science

Spearmint tea is a folk remedy for women in menopause... but we got to wondering why that was... Many folk remedies ARE rooted in science, with things like black cohosh, flax, and soy being beneficial for women's health, particularly menopausal health, across the world.

So, does this remedy hold up to scientific scrutiny?

The short answer, YES!

The long answer is also yes, but with more details. This was a small study - although there are several others as well - that explored how well spearmint (Mentha piperita Labiatae) worked for hormone imbalance in 21 women who suffered from PCOS and hirsutism (wanted and excessive hair growth). Studies found that spearmint positively affected high androgens, per the study "there was a significant decrease in free testosterone and increase in luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and estradiol."

Other studies have found spearmint is good at regulating hormones overall, and can be beneficial for women in menopause by decreasing facial hair, increasing estrogen levels naturally, and balancing hormone levels.

So, grab some spearmint tea and enjoy!

Link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17310494/