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Sex, Culture, and Menopause

Does our culture affect our sex life in menopause? Well, according to some research, yes. This study looked at 30 in-depth interviews with women to assess how their sex lives were impacted my menopause. Aside from physiological changes, many women reported cultural and social issues as relevant factors in their sex lives.

Let's take a look!

The study found, "that most women emphasize cultural and social issues, such as relationship status and quality, health, and sexual history, rather than menopausal changes when they describe sex after menopause. However, she finds a difference by sexual orientation in how women handle problems in sex. {they suggest} studying sex in the context of women's lives rather than as a result of the biological changes of menopause."

This suggests that, for many women, external factors present as much of an issue - or become more relevant in menopause and can trigger problems in the bedroom, and it is not just physical issues that are at play.

View the study by clicking the link below.

Link: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0891243203253962