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Progesterone - Why it Matters in Perimenopause

One of the most common things women here is that it is our estrogen decline that is causing a myriad of issues in perimenopause onwards - and whilst there is a degree of truth to this - studies show that in the past, research has oversimplified the experience of perimenopause, ignoring the significant role of progesterone, which decreases more markedly than estrogen.

While perimenopause is often associated with erratic hormone levels, including temporarily higher estrogen, the authors fail to adequately discuss progesterone's decline and its physiological effects, which is a crucial oversight in understanding women's health during these stages.

Research, has, historically conflated perimenopause and menopause, presenting them as having similar symptoms and treatments, which creates confusion. For example, much research asserts that low estrogen levels are responsible for vasomotor symptoms like hot flushes, but this does not explain why perimenopausal women, who often have elevated estrogen levels, also experience these symptoms.

Additionally, there has been a failure to provide data from randomized controlled trials in perimenopausal women to support the use of estrogen therapy for these symptoms, despite acknowledging that hormone therapy is effective in menopausal women. Overall, the authors note that a lot of data perpetuates an outdated view of menopause as a simple estrogen deficiency, ignoring the more complex hormonal changes women experience during this time.

Learn more: https://www.nature.com/articles/nrdp201531