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Progesterone & Mental Health

This study used a test group and a control group, and examined mental health (specifically depression/depressive symptoms) when treated with progesterone and estrogen therapies.

They found a 15% increase in depression when NOT using hormone therapies. Whilst there is more work to be done understanding this, it makes sense given the vast amount of uses (over 400) that progesterone has in our bodies.

The menopause transition and early postmenopausal period are associated with a 2- to 4-fold increased risk for clinically significant depressive symptoms. Although a few studies suggest that hormone therapy can effectively manage existing depression during this time, to our knowledge, there have been no studies testing whether hormone therapy can prevent the onset of perimenopausal and early postmenopausal depressive symptoms.

Per the study: " In this randomized clinical trial that included 172 perimenopausal and early postmenopausal women, 32.3% of women receiving placebo developed clinically significant depressive symptoms, while 17.3% of women taking transdermal estradiol and intermittent micronized progesterone did so.

Meaning If confirmed in future research, clinicians may consider prescribing hormone therapy to mitigate the increased risk of clinically significant depressive symptoms that accompany the menopause transition and early postmenopausal period."
