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Perimenopause and Mood Disorders

One of the key insights from this study was this, "A literature review in PsycInfo Ovid of records pertaining to first-onset mood disorders during perimenopause showed that this multifactorial process involves hormonal fluctuations, with estrogen being a key player. In addition, vasomotor symptoms, previous negative life events, and socioeconomic status were found to contribute to first-onset mood disorders during perimenopause."

But, what does this mean for women in perimenopause, and what can we do about it?

Well, these findings suggest several different things. Firstly, they suggest that hormone fluctuations play a more significant role in mental health for women, and like postpartum depression, the full spectrum of physiological and psychological health needs to be addressed. Secondly, they suggest that untreated or poorly treated symptoms in peri-menopause onwards can be significantly debilitating, and can impact the mental health of women, thus addressing these symptoms needs to be taken more seriously to prevent more problems.

They also suggest that social factors play a role - such as socioeconomic status and cultural values. More recent therapeutic theories take this into account - the role that outside factors can have on our mental health. As many women are well aware, when we enter peri-menopause, there is a societal shift in how we are viewed, less representation, and often inadequate care and understanding, all of which can take a toll on mental health.

To learn more, check out the study!
