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Muscle Mass & Aging

When it comes to workouts as we age, the idea of throwing weights around like Arnie can be a little intimidating... but science suggests that weight lifting is crucial as we age to help things like muscle mass, osteoporosis, and even weight gain, so why exactly does a barbell pack so much punch?

Let's take a look!

Loss of muscle is known as sarcopenia, and this is more common as we age, and contributes negatively towards quality of life. Strength training helps stop the loss of muscle function that comes with aging. It stimulates muscle growth and enhances muscle tissue quality, meaning you can generate more force with a given amount of muscle.

But, there is another key piece to the puzzle - corresponding protein intake. The study linked below looked at both animal and plant based vegan sources, and found that, "In conclusion, a higher total protein intake and higher plant-based protein intake were positively associated with muscle mass in the elderly." They did not find significant differences in muscle mass development with regard to whether the protein came from animals or plants.

In a nutshell, pick up a barbell and some beans, and get moving!

Link: https://www.naturalhealthresearch.org/dietary-protein-intake-and-muscle-mass-in-elderly/