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GABA & Motor Skills

This study is very technical, but it details not only the effect of GABA supplementation on the brain, and more specifically on the function of learning behaviors and activity within the brain, but also the effect of responsiveness of GABA receptors in the brain, and how these two things work together to help increase our ability to learn!

Done using brain scans and repeat tasks correlated to various parts of motor learning and human learning behaviors, the researchers examined various neurotransmitters (primarily GABA) and their role in how receptive we are to learning. There were lots of ins and outs to the study but some of the key findings were:

  • Increased GABA means increased neural plasticity.
  • Increased GABA concentrations have increased functional effects on the brain.
  • There is high likelihood that stroke patients would benefit from GABA supplementation.

Overall, "the responsiveness of the GABA system to modulation has a strong relationship with motor learning." If you want to add some GABA in to your regime, consider using our best selling Chaos Calmer Cream, which has a unique blend of GABA, L-theanine and magnesium. GABA is a calming neurotransmitter, Magnesium helps relax muscles and helps produce GABA in the brain, and L-theanine is an amino acid which has a calming, grounding effect on the body and mind without making you feel drowsy. Chaos Calmer takes your days from bedlam to bliss!
