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Estrogens and Adipose Tissue

We've talked about this a lot on our Ask Dr. Robyn segment, but many women aren't aware that their adipose tissue (fat cells) play a role in estrogen production, and that inadequate estrogen can lead to increased visceral fat.

Let's take a look at the science.

This study looked specifically at the role of estrogens in fat tissue differentiation, as well as protecting against obesity. They also noted that estrogen receptors play a key role in metabolism, and declining and changing estrogen levels can impact adipose tissue.

Per the study, "Adipose tissue has recently been described as one of the major endocrine gland that plays a role in energy homeostasis, lipid metabolism, immune response, and reproduction. Among several hormones, estrogens promote, maintain, and control the typical distribution of body fat and adipose tissue metabolism through still unknown mechanisms. Moreover, estrogen deficiency results in increases in adipose tissue, preferentially in visceral fat, which would link obesity to the susceptibility of related disorders."

Link: https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/ben/iddt/2008/00000008/00000001/art00007