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DHEA & Osteoporosis

When it comes to DHEA use, it can be confusing for women to know whether DHEA is a good option for them - research has been limited, and DHEA as a precursor hormone changes into other hormones (namely, testosterone, estradiol, and estriol) meaning it does not behave the same way in everyone. However, this research suggests that there is clear clinical evidence for two groups: those with low circulating DHEA, and those with osteoporosis.

DHEA use is complex, and we have a more comprehensive blog here all about how DHEA (and it’s cousin, DHEA-S) works in the body. Basically, your adrenals and ovaries make DHEA, and your body uses DHEA to make androgens and estrogens, the male and female sex hormones. These hormones are used in a variety of different ways throughout the body. Unlike other hormones, such as estriol, which remains as estriol in your body, DHEA actually is metabolized by enzymes in your body to convert into different hormones.

This was a research review, meaning the authors pooled the current research from 2001 to present, to learn about how DHEA is linked to other health issues. As the review notes, there is, "a link between low DHEA levels and cardiovascular risk, and between high DHEA levels and breast cancer risk."

They go on to discuss the use of DHEA with two groups, "those with the lowest circulating levels of DHEA; and those for whom osteoporosis is a particular problem."

Check out the science here: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1258/17540...