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​Menopause Healthcare

Any woman in menopause can tell you that she rarely gets the care she needs or deserves, with many practitioners having limited knowledge on menopause at all.

This research looked at the role of endocrine function in mood changes during menopause, but also explored, "The influence of psychological factors, lifestyle, body image, interpersonal relationships, role, and sociocultural factors in predicting levels of depression and anxiety in the menopausal patient cannot be ignored. This chapter discusses the research to date on menopause and depression and anxiety. Included is a discussion of the role of psychosocial factors in the symptomatology of perimenopausal, post-menopausal and prematurely menopausal women."

What does this mean? Well, when it comes to menopause symptoms, it means it can be harder to pin down what is caused by physiological changes and what is caused by psychological shifts - or sociocultural impacts - making care for menopausal women challenging to navigate. The authors note a multidimensional care model is needed, exploring the range of factors that impact women's health at this stage.