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How and Why Our Hormones Change

“Menopause? What is that?” ~ 1850’s women… probably. Menopause wasn’t a problem historically, because as you can see from our nifty graph, until 1900, most women died before they even experienced it! Times have changed a hell of a lot since the 1900’s, and yet many women still don’t have good access to information about menopause.

That's How MANY Women?!

Half the global population will go through menopause at some point in their lives, and with the average age of menopause being 51, and the average US life expectancy at 81, that is thirty loooong years after the fact. It also means a vast number of women are going through menopause and perimenopause at the same time. That’s a lot of hot flashes....


But, Before Menopause, What is Happening?
In a regular monthly cycle, estrogen surges at the beginning to build the lining of the uterus. An egg is released mid-cycle, and there is a surge of progesterone which would help prepare the uterine lining for a fertilized egg. When estrogen and progesterone are in balance, things are all fine.

However, as we age, hormone levels begin to shift. Beginning as early as 35, progesterone levels start to drop, particularly in the second half of the cycle, leading to mood swings, tender breasts, short periods, heavy periods and bloating. Sounds fun right…

What About Progesterone?
Progesterone is very important for numerous functions in the body, so we feel it when it drops, and you can read all about why you need it here. Eventually, around and after menopause, estrogen levels start to drop too. Then we get a different set of symptoms, those tied to low estrogen; such as thinning skin, hot flashes, vaginal dryness and sometimes incontinence. For many women who eat healthy, reduce sugar intake, exercise regularly, and manage their stress; they are able to manage these symptoms just fine. However, things such as vaginal dryness can be lingering issues that they cannot resolve.

This is where Silky Peach cream comes in. Designed to rebuild the tender tissue of the vagina, regular use can help make time between the sheets more enjoyable, help increase general comfort, or even just help you pee without it stinging. Of course – if you have a whole host of symptoms related to changing hormones then you’d best get yourself off to a doctor for some testing and then maybe more extensive bioidentical hormone replacement.