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Six Tips For Your Lady Bits (in Menopause)

Think you've got the run-down on your low-down? Well, everything can run just fine until peri-menopause, then all of a sudden... things can get a little bit more complicated! Check out our top tips from the experts for keeping your Lady Bits in tip top condition.

Puberty? Meet Menopause...

Have you ever heard the saying, ‘menopause is just puberty’s mean big sister’? Well, it’s sorta true.

You know what else is true? We seem to be given as much information about menopause as we were about puberty.

Maybe you were lucky to have a Mom or sister who talked you through puberty (and menopause!) but for a lot of people menopause comes with many of the same classics of puberty such as:

Am I pregnant or is this menopause (formerly, puberty)?
Am I crazy or is this my hormones?
Is there supposed to be more or less blood?
Why do I feel so icky?

Don’t worry, there are some new, fun twists. Instead of ‘why is there discharge and is it normal?’ and ‘why am I so very interested in a shirtless Patrick Swayze?’ You now get ‘why does it feel like my vajazzle is full of sand?’ and ‘I don’t care if Brad Pitt walked in here naked, all I want is chocolate.’ Oh, and there is a little side of hot flushes and incontinence.

Did you miss that lesson in school, or, like most of us, did you just get the one on how babies were made?

But, there’s a whole lot more to our lady bits than just reproductive capabilities.

There is also a significant amount of incredible science that goes on down there that is rarely talked about. I mean, if there was a Bill Nye Episode about it, we certainly missed that one.

As a result, many women don’t really know that much about their lady bits beyond a cursory understanding of anatomy and hormones, oh, and how to avoid pregnancy. ABSTINENCE… just kidding. We’re not insane.

Many women also don't know that vaginal issues in menopause are actually pretty common.


So, What Do I NEED to Know About Menopause?

Many women experience changes indicative of vaginal atrophy to their vagina and urinary system that are largely due to lowering estrogen levels associated with menopause.

Estrogen is a proliferative hormone; it helps maintain thickness and suppleness of tissues. That is important for keeping the inner tube soft, plump, and moist.

Yes, moist. And that, it turns out, is very important. Without it, sex is a no-go, say goodbye to your fave jeans, and settle into a life of chafed purgatory.

Estrogen also plays a role in maintaining the pH of vaginal tissue. As vaginal cells shed and die, they release glycogen which is altered to glucose. Glucose is then further broken down into lactic acid by lactobacilli, and all this contributes to an optimal pH.

That’s great when everything is working well, however, when estrogen levels drop as we get older this system breaks down.

The vag cells thin, the sloughing process slows, and the pH rises. As the pH rises there are lower levels of protective lactobacilli and then there is the potential for growth of pathogenic bacteria.

This can result in an increase in infections and/or inflammation, contributing to discomfort and lack of desire. Another issue that can also arise is Vaginal Atrophy - a painful condition in which the cells of the vagina and vulva begin to break down, causing thinning skin, itching, tearing, pain, dryness and even increased incontinence and UTI's. (Now we know why this didn’t get taught in school...)

Vaginal Atrophy is also known as VA, atrophic vaginitis, or under the umbrella term 'Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause'.


There is A Solution to This

An effective solution to the problem is a form of estrogen called estriol.

This form of estrogen does not increase estrogen dominance nor cause those unwanted symptoms.... The not-so-nice things like anxiety, bloating, irritability, mood swings, weight gain, food cravings, headaches, fibrocystic breasts...need we go on?

Estriol is the ideal solution to vaginal dryness. It is designed to help restore the integrity of this delicate tissue.

Silky Peach Cream contains a low amount of estriol, is composed of natural ingredients that are easily absorbed by the skin, is washable, and non-staining.

What Else Can I Do?

  1. Keep it clean like a baby, not like a car. You don’t need high powered jets, heavy scents or various foaming multi-colored soaps on you. Much like a baby’s peachy butt, your lady garden needs gentle, perfume free soaps and for you to steer clear of gels, antiseptics or anything that promises to make you bubblegum flavored.
  2. Avoid swamp-butt. We’ve all been there. Post-gym. Post-nap. Post-grocery store visit. If you’re in Arizona or Florida, it’s just how your butt is permanently. But, all your exits are co-located, so daily hygiene is key for keeping bacteria at bay.
  3. Exercise. Running, walking, lifting, yoga or pilates are all great options. The list of things that help keep the pelvic floor toned is long and varied, so find something you love and know that you are helping your vag by doing so. And hey, if you get really strong you can even invest in some kegel weights! ;)
  4. If you use a pad for any reason, be sure to change it regularly. Loose underwear can allow the pad to shift and aid in the transference of bacteria.
  5. Don’t hate on discharge. Over the course of the month, and as we mature through menopause and beyond, it is normal to have a discharge that is often white in color. Healthy discharge doesn’t have a strong smell or color, and it is there to keep everything in balance, so as long as you’re not itchy or sore, then it’s all good in the VJJ-Hood.
  6. Meditate on your Vajazzle... just kidding, but balance really is key. Keeping the pH levels in balance in your vagina is important, and if you are prone to bacterial infections, using an estriol cream can help keep the pH levels in the optimal zone.
