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How to Use Silky Peach & Vibrant Third Together

Our ReBalancing Bundle is a blissful combo of Silky Peach Estriol (sometimes called SP) and Vibrant Third Progesterone (or 'V3') to help get your menopause - and your life - back on track, because, no matter your age, you CAN feel amazing!

ReBalancing Bundle - What is in the Bundle?

Silky Peach Estriol cream contains 0.5mg (0.2% concentration) of estriol per pump. Vibrant Third Progesterone contains 25mg of progesterone per pump.

What are the Magic Ingredients?

Aside from all the other great ingredients that help your skin (thanks, cupuacu butter!), the superstars are the hormones - estriol and progesterone. With these hormones dropping and becoming imbalanced during perimenopause, many women find that they start to experience some pretty rough menopause symptoms. Things like hot flashes, mood swings, sleep issues, and vaginal dryness can all be linked back to estrogen and progesterone changes.

Our creams are designed to help replace these lost hormones with bioidentical replacements. Derived from plants, our cream helps deliver these crucial hormones to help make menopause better than just bearable!

How do they Work on the Body?

There are hormone receptors all over the body - something you can read more about here. Some are literally everywhere, and others are also concentrated where a particular hormone is used. For example, there are plenty of estrogen receptors around the vagina, which is why Silky Peach can help with internal pain even when it is not applied there.

Silky Peach Estriol is a gentle estrogen which helps to rejuvenate the cells in the vagina and vulva. It is designed to help with things like vaginal dryness, tearing, pain, pain during sex, and itching that can be symptomatic of vaginal atrophy.

Vibrant Third Progesterone is more widespread; progesterone has over 400 uses in the body after all! It is designed to help with things like bloating, hot flashes, mood, brain fog, and sleep.

What Am I Looking For?

Silky Peach is designed to target the vulva and vagina. With 40% of women seeing results in 4 weeks, and an additional 40% in 8 weeks, women typically are able to identify positive changes like less itching, more natural lubrication, less dryness, less pain during sex, and even things like less leakage and fewer UTI's.

Progesterone is more of a slow burn. Because it works all over the place, it can sometimes feel more challenging to see tangible results. However, as we've written about extensively in this blog - there are some key things to look out for. These include:

  • More energy
  • Less forgetting
  • Less bloating
  • Fewer feelings of aches and pains
  • A greater sense of wellbeing
  • Fewer mood swings and less general grumpiness
  • Better sleep

Using Silky Peach and Vibrant Third TOGETHER

All our hormones work in tandem with other hormones, and it is disruption to this balance that causes the most problems. When we asked our amazing Sisterhood (our private group for customers to talk about all things menopause), they said that one of the main reasons they bought both SP and V3 was to balance these two key hormones.

Many women during menopause feel like they are replacing one problem with another, or just finding a temporary fix (which is one of the reasons we introduced Saliva Hormone Testing). What is often needed is a combination of hormones to both help rebalance and regenerate the cells, and to replenish what has been lost.

How To Use These Dream Creams

Silky Peach is designed to be used daily at first, to help gradually resupply estrogen to the area. It is applied directly to the vulva (the inner/outer labia and perineum). Once there has been improvement, many women choose to drop to a lower maintenance amount depending on their preferences.

With progesterone, its often wise to use less and slowly build up. Progesterone can cause some drowsiness in some women, so using in the evening initially is a good idea. V3 is not (typically) used on the same schedule as SP - many women find that they use it between 2-4 times a week and this remains fairly constant.

Topicals and Routines

Why topicals over pills or injections? Well, topicals offer some distinct advantages:

  • Flexibility in Amount: Women can easily adjust how much they use to address individual symptom severity, meaning they can cut back to a maintenance amount, or use as needed. Essentially, smaller amounts are needed because the hormones are absorbed directly through the skin unlike a pill which has to be process first by the liver and so needs to be higher.
  • For Silky Peach Cream - Reduced Systemic Absorption: Topical application directly to the vulva minimizes systemic absorption, lowering the risk of side effects associated with higher amounts. It also provides more direct, localized relief.

Need some more info on routines?Check out this blog!

Get your ReBalancing Bundle, here!