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How to Use Our Creams At Every Stage

As more and more women spread the word of Silky Peach, Vibrant Third, ReBounce - and our other awesome products, we have expanded our customer base to women of many ages - even over 100! One of the common questions we are asked, about all our products is, 'I am {x} years past menopause, will this help me?'

As women get further past menopause, hormone production gradually declines as the various glands no longer make hormones. It's for this reason that women turn to hormone supplementation. It's fantastic that women do now have more choices.

Silky Peach Estriol Cream

Whether it is for intimacy, for UTI relief, or for incontinence help - the estriol in Silky Peach Cream can help at any point past menopause. However, the longer you are past menopause, it may well take more time to see results. While 80% of women see results in 2 months, we have women who found it took 6 months, and some women who kept using it for a year before they experienced consistent results.

It is important to remember that for most women, hormone loss did not happen overnight. Estrogen decline begins at around age 45 and, if you went through menopause around age 52, by age 80 your body has been without estrogen for about 35 years. Starting to supplement later in life means it could take 2-6 months to really refill the reservoir of estriol. Using the stronger estrogen - estradiol, might work faster, but it will have to be prescribed by a practitioner. Many women do benefit from estradiol supplementation for many reasons and still find that estriol is needed for their genitourinary symptoms.

Vibrant Third Progesterone

Progesterone can start to decline as early as age 35 and it's the imbalance between estrogen and progesterone which is the root of many perimenopausal symptoms. Even when these levels even out after menopause - both are low, and symptoms such as brain fog, poor sleep, and weight gain persist. With over 400 uses in the body, progesterone can help with optimal health as we age, ensuring that our bones, breasts, and heart stay healthy and vibrant at every stage.

As we age, most women don't necessarily need the same levels of hormone we made in our 20's and 30's but we can still benefit from some degree of hormone replacement. Many post menopausal symptoms are silent - no one notices osteoporosis until a fall or a dexa scan for example, so ensuring hormone availability is a big part of body maintenance as we get older. Think about a car - you don't see the inside of the engine - but you make sure it has all the fluids it needs!

ReBounce DHEA

DHEA declines with age and by our 70's and 80's can be 15% of the level of our 20's. DHEA is a prohormone - other hormones are made from DHEA, so it can be a source of "hormone replacement". DHEA also has multiple effects on it's own and can reduce feelings of fatigue, improve energy, support memory, reduce aches and pains and, for some help with libido. DHEA is best used in partnership with progesterone for all round balancing.

Chaos Calmer

Chaos Calmer brings a blend of magnesium (a mineral), l-theanine (an amino acid) and GABA (a neurotransmitter) that is perfect for helping to deal with anxiety or poor sleep - things that can become more of an issue as we age, and can impact our quality of life. Chaos Calmer is good for anyone over the age of 1, making it the perfect, natural, and safe choice to bring a little Zen into your life.

The great thing about Chaos Calmer is that you cannot be too old for it! Some of the important brain neurotransmitters decline with age and so, when anxiety creeps in or restful sleep gets even harder, Chaos Calmer can help. Typically, Chaos Calmer users found that a pump or two when they are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or unable to sleep, is incredibly effective!

Hormone Testing

One of the reasons we wanted to offer hormone testing aimed at women in peri-menopause onwards is that there are not many menopause-plus specific hormone tests. Practitioners will often use blood testing, get "normal results" and conclude "yes, you are fine, your results are normal". What that approach misses is that while normal and usual - those levels are not optimal. We can evaluate the level of gas in a car's tank after a 250 mile journey and say "yes, it's low, I expect that", but you won't get very far on your journey if you don't refill the tank! The salivary hormone test provided by Parlor Games is an opportunity to evaluate your hormone levels if you are currently using topical hormones or not.

Whether you are pre or post menopause, our Saliva Testing Hormone Kit can help give you an insight into which hormones might be low or imbalanced, to help give you some idea of what supplementation might work for you.


When it comes to skincare, many of us forget that the skin is basically a giant mouth. Our creams are formulated with this in mind (hence why they are full of good ingredients and paraben free), but also why they can be so effective for bioidentical hormone delivery.

Absorbing hormones through the skin means they go to work immediately. An oral hormone has to be first broken down by the liver before they can be used within the body. Because of this metabolism process in the liver, amounts used are often higher and requires the liver to work harder.