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How Hormones Convert

If you've ever tuned in to our Ask Dr. Robyn, then you will have heard us talk about hormone conversions - now, understanding how our hormones change inside our bodies is crucial to understanding our hormone health - let's get nerdy!

What is a Hormone Conversion?

Hormone conversion refers to the process where one hormone in the body changes into another. Think of it like a recipe where ingredients can be transformed — for example, your body can take DHEA (a hormone that acts like a building block) and convert it into estrogen or testosterone as needed. Similarly, progesterone can convert into calming neurosteroids like allopregnanolone, which supports mood and sleep.

In menopause, when hormone levels are shifting or declining, the body's ability to efficiently convert hormones can weaken, leading to imbalances that affect mood, energy, sleep, and more.

Why Does this Matter?

Hormone conversion is crucial because menopause doesn’t just cause estrogen and progesterone levels to drop — it also alters how well your body converts one hormone into another.

For example:

  • DHEA → Estrogen/Testosterone may slow down, impacting libido, energy, and muscle tone.
  • Progesterone → Allopregnanolone may decrease, reducing your brain’s calming, anxiety-buffering effects.
  • Even declining cortisol balance can influence the conversion of hormones, adding to feelings of fatigue or overwhelm.

If conversion pathways are sluggish, simply adding more of one hormone may not fully resolve symptoms — supporting the entire hormonal ecosystem is key.

Topical .v. Oral

The way hormones are delivered can significantly impact how well they convert and how they affect the body:

  • Topical (creams, gels, patches):
    • Absorbed directly through the skin into the bloodstream.
    • Bypasses the liver, resulting in more stable hormone levels.
    • Often better for estriol, progesterone, and testosterone since these hormones work well in low, steady doses.
    • Less risk of hormone spikes or unwanted metabolites.
  • Oral (pills, tablets):
    • Passes through the liver before entering the bloodstream.
    • The liver may break down some hormones into stronger or weaker forms, altering their effects.
    • Certain hormones, like progesterone, may be more effective in oral form if you need its calming, sedative properties for sleep.
    • Oral estrogen may raise clotting risks more than topical options.

Let's Nerd Out!

Ok, but what are the actual conversions? Well, we did a full breakdown of some of the major hormones - looking at where they come from (the source), what they do (their role), and the conversion pathways - these are the different 'routes' (some hormones have more than one) that the hormones can take.

1. Pregnenolone – "The Mother Hormone"

  • Source: Made from cholesterol in the mitochondria of adrenal glands, ovaries, and testes.
  • Key Role: It's the precursor to almost all steroid hormones.
  • Conversion Pathways:
    • Can turn into Progesterone.
    • Can also turn into DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone).

2. Progesterone – "The Balancer"

  • Source: Synthesized from Pregnenolone.
  • Key Role: Supports pregnancy, regulates menstrual cycles, and balances other hormones.
  • Conversion Pathways:
    • Converts into Cortisol (stress hormone).
    • Converts into Aldosterone (regulates salt and water balance).
    • Can also help make Testosterone indirectly through other intermediates.

3. DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) – "The Youth Hormone"

  • Source: Made from Pregnenolone in the adrenal glands.
  • Key Role: A precursor to both Testosterone and Estrogen. It also has mild androgenic effects itself.
  • Conversion Pathways:
    • Converts into Androstenedione → which can become Testosterone or Estrogen.
    • DHEA levels decline with age, often considered a marker of aging.

4. Testosterone – "The Strength Hormone"

  • Source: Made from DHEA or Androstenedione (both precursors).
  • Key Role: Primary male sex hormone; supports muscle growth, bone density, libido, and mood.
  • Conversion Pathways:
    • Converts into Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) – a more potent androgen, affecting prostate and hair.
    • Converts into Estrogen (Estradiol) through the enzyme Aromatase.

5. Estrogen – "The Feminine Hormone"

  • Types: Estradiol (E2), Estrone (E1), Estriol (E3).
  • Source: Made from Testosterone via Aromatase enzyme (in fat tissue, ovaries, and other cells).
  • Key Role: Regulates female reproductive function, bone health, skin, and mood.
  • Conversion Pathways:
    • Testosterone → Estradiol (E2) (most potent).
    • Estradiol → Estrone (E1) (weaker form) or Estriol (E3) (important in pregnancy).

6. Cortisol – "The Stress Hormone"

  • Source: Made from Progesterone through several enzyme steps (involving 17α-hydroxypregnenolone and 11-deoxycortisol intermediates) in the adrenal glands.
  • Key Role: Manages stress response, blood sugar levels, inflammation, and blood pressure.
  • Conversion Pathways:
    • Made from Progesterone17-Hydroxyprogesterone11-DeoxycortisolCortisol.

7. Melatonin – "The Sleep Hormone"

  • Source: Made from Serotonin, which is derived from the amino acid Tryptophan in the pineal gland.
  • Key Role: Regulates sleep-wake cycles (circadian rhythm), supports immune function, and acts as an antioxidant.
  • Conversion Pathways:
    • Tryptophan → 5-HTP → Serotonin → N-Acetylserotonin → Melatonin.

8. Insulin – "The Blood Sugar Regulator"

  • Source: Made in the beta cells of the pancreas.
  • Key Role: Regulates glucose uptake into cells, promotes fat storage, and supports metabolism.
  • Conversion Pathways:
    • Proinsulin is the precursor, which is cleaved into Insulin and C-peptide before being secreted.

Can You Make it Simple?

Sure - here is a 'Summary Flow Chart' (Simplified):

Cholesterol → Pregnenolone → Progesterone → Cortisol / Androgens / Aldosterone

Pregnenolone → DHEA → Androstenedione → Testosterone → Estrogen

Tryptophan → Serotonin → Melatonin

Proinsulin → Insulin