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Menopause doesn't have to suck! Science, Solutions & Sisterhood for living your sassiest life
Menopause doesn't have to suck! Science, Solutions & Sisterhood for living your sassiest life

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "You all have changed my life!" - Denise O.

  • Wen
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky Peach
    I love this stuff!!!  I have recommended it to others!!!  I thought my sex life was over until I discovered this stuff!!!  My fiancé and I thank you!!!
  • Marion
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Game Changer
    Works immediately—Provides relief on contact. Can’t live without it. Communication and ease of billing is top shelf. 
  • KAT
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I first purchased Silky Peach back in August and within 3 days my dryness was gone and within 30 things were starting to "plump" up. I highly recommend and have already sent other women I know and they too are loving the product.
  • Ana
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Makes a difference
    This Peach cream along with another product has made a huge 🥰difference with vaginal dryness and atrophy. I don't know why gynocologists never vary from the one thing they prescribe it's like they are stuck in neutral. Women still have to search and find products that actually work well without overkill.

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  • Just me
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Turn back time
    The title says it all.  65 post menopausal on prescription vaginal estrogen for years and still things "not comfortable".  I had vaginal laser therapy twice and that provided about a years worth of relief along with the prescription.

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  • Blondie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Life Changing!
    I suffered for years, doctors never suggested this, just stronger products requiring prescriptions. I always had to stop them because of side effects. No side effects at all with Silky Peach except feeling 18 again!  I’m 68. 
  • J S
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Will never be without!
    This works!  And on so many levels.  Suffered in silence for years.  I’m going on two years of using.  Now 69 years old.  Customer service is A+++ 
  • Cjp
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I really didn't have high hopes for this product. I used another product before this, it didn't work at all, a complete waste of a lot of money. With this, it started to work immediately. Within 6 days, it was a game changer. I just ordered the progesterone, let's see how that goes.

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  • Abbey
    ✅ Verified Customer
    63 & figuring it out
    Game changer, my lady parts feel more like they used to!
  • Betty K
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Definitely working!
    Since menopause started, sex had been very painful and I couldn’t find anything that was really working to alleviate my condition. Since using SPC for about a month, I feel 10 times better. The natural moisture in my skin has been restored and sex (with lube) is a success!
  • KristiRN
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Life saver
    I have been married to my oversexed husband for 25 years. He is as crazy for me now as he was when I was in my 30s. He just can't get enough. Sex for me was annoying through painful, sometimes it felt like sandpaper was down there.. My favorite position was where ever I could see the TV.

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  • Lb
    ✅ Verified Customer
    This has really helped!
    It has definitely helped with dryness and hot flashes.
  • Elsa A.
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Game changer
    At 72 everything has changed! The “Silky Peach Cream” has improved the physiology of my vaginal area immensely. Not only the sexual aspects but the integrity of my “bits”. Great stuff! Can’t live without it. 
  • Anitta
    ✅ Verified Customer
    So Glad I Found This!
    As a single senior who was not sexually active I didn’t realize until I was in a relationship how much the atrophy and reduced estrogen would affect me. This has been my saving grace, I was afraid I was never going to have comfortable intimacy again.

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  • Nickname
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky peach
    I love this product 
  • Alexandra B
    ✅ Verified Customer
    This stuff really works!!! Plumps everything up. (Even on your face!)
  • 50SetGo
    ✅ Verified Customer
    All day long, I would choose this product.
    This was the first step in my process of getting back to feeling like a woman after the awful experience of menopause hit me like a ton of bricks. OR a like a desert sandstorm. Once you lose things you feel like there is no hope and no getting back to normal.

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  • Moongoddess
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Feeling back to myself after using this product. No longer having difficulties enjoying pleasure. This peachy product revitalized my lady parts naturally.. 
  • Michele
    ✅ Verified Customer
    This stuff really works
    This cream has lived up to all their promises. I actually use RX patches and when I started these creams, all three that they advise, I had noticeable changes how my body felt. I actually started spotting when I missed a few days and I'm 65. I wasn't upset though-it's nice to know my uterus is still alive and kicking.
  • Satisified Customer
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Very helpful product
    This product actually works. It restored moisture, and reduced UTIs .
Kate and Kirsti , Co-founders, Parlor Games

Why "Parlor Games"?

Well, haven't women with revolutionary ideas always gathered in their parlor?

And isn't the thought that Menopause Shouldn't Suck shockingly revolutionary?

We know, it shouldn't exactly be groundbreaking, but sadly, it is.

We're two best friends who decided we weren't just going to give up on living our best lives.

Instead, we decided it was high time that women had the science they needed to make smart decisions about their bodies.

And we wanted to provide women with high-quality products that really work for living their best Menopause life.

And while we think Menopause is serious business, we're all about bringing humor and joy to midlife!

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